Drunk of Love | JM | Supertesti.it

Drunk of Love

Questo brano ha una durata di 4:02

Testo Drunk of Love

Right now, I feel like I start loosing my mind
and I, I do live or I live regrettin life
cause I, I can close my eyes if you’re by my side

I didnt wanna know, didn’t wanna know
didn’t wanna know..
I’m so drunk of love

Say my name, baby
‘cause I feel so incomplete, I don’t know why
you’re so far away from me
I choose you among a thousand stars, I don’t know why
you’re the one that loved me
but everytime I can’t explain, I don’t lie

‘Cause I’ve been loving you since I heard your voice, baby
waiting for the day begins, to see to understand what makes me a real man

Say my name, baby
‘cause I feel so incomplete, I don’t know why
you’re so far away from me
I choose you among a thousand stars, I don’t know why
you’re the one that loved me
but everytime I can’t explain, I don’t lie

and I feel the love burning in my heart, you are the only one that heat my heart
oh you’re my baby, the only one that keeps me alive,
one more time, you are my light, my star
the only one the fills my sky

Say my name, baby
‘cause i feel so incomplete, I don’t know why
you’re so far away from me
I choose you among a thousand stars, I don’t know why
you’re the one that loved me
but everytime I can’t explain, I don’t lie

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